Thursday, March 1, 2012

Reith says job figures show budget forecasts on track

AAP General News (Australia)
Reith says job figures show budget forecasts on track

Workplace Relations Minister PETER REITH says jobs figures are on track following new
data showing Australia's recorded its lowest unemployment rate since 1990.

New Bureau of Statistics figures show the unemployment rate fell to 6.7 per cent in
November, seasonally adjusted.

That's the lowest level since June 1990.

Mr REITH's hailed the dramatic improvement as a direct result of the government's economic
and workplace reforms.

He says the jobless figure remains on track to achieve the forecast of 6.75 per cent
by the end of June next year.

Mr REITH's also played down threats to inflation from the sharp drop in unemployment,
saying there's no reason for concern.

The fall in the unemployment rate was due to 38,000 people dropping out of the labour
market in November, with the number of people in work actually falling 6,200.

The Bureau says full-time employment rose 3,400 in November, while part time employment
fell 9,800.

The number of people looking for work also fell 32,000.

AAP RTV /rp/jn


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