Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FED:Assange fears US justice, says supporter

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Assange fears US justice, says supporter

A friend of JULIAN ASSANGE says the WikiLeaks founder is more worried about being hauled
off to the United States and thrown into a dark room .. than extradited to Sweden to face
rape allegations.

Mr ASSANGE has been granted conditional bail by a British court but remains in prison
while Swedish authorities appeal the decision.

His friend VAUGHAN SMITH .. who runs the journalists' Frontline Club in London .. says
the 39 year old Australian doesn't seem worried by the Swedish case .. but does fear being
transferred to the US to face charges over the publication of secret documents.

Mr SMITH's told ABC Radio he's worried American authorities will throw him into a dark
room and chuck away the key.

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