Wednesday, February 29, 2012

QLD:Gold Coast cops deny blitz is a fizzer

AAP General News (Australia)
QLD:Gold Coast cops deny blitz is a fizzer

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By Tony Bartlett

GOLD COAST, Aug 1 AAP - Senior police have denied criticism that the first weekend
of a blitz against crime on the Gold Coast was a fizzer.

Over the weekend under Operation Seymour, 64 people were arrested and charged with
100 offences ranging from forgery to drink-driving, drugs, public nuisance, stealing,
breaking and entering, robbery and assault.

Another 186 people were arrested on 225 charges, bringing the total to 250 arrests
on 325 charges.

Assistant Commissioner Paul Wilson says that in two significant arrests, one man was
charged with possessing equipment to make false drivers' licences and another was charged
with armed robbery.

Mr Wilson refused to comment on the political debate surrounding the operation and
media criticism that it was little more than a window dressing exercise, but he referred
to the successful approach taken by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani in reducing crime
rates by tackling minor crime first.

He told reporters the argument that only minor charges were laid in the first couple
of days by the extra 50 officers brought in to the Gold Coast for Operation Seymour carried
"no weight at all".

"Another thing we do not know in policing is how many offences you deter, which is
the unknown factor which comes from saturation policing.

"But looking at the statistics from the weekend, we have had only one assault and robbery
and as you are aware there have been a number in recent times.

"So as this operation progresses we will see the complaints that come in, and if there
is a drop in them we can then statistically say there has been success."

Mr Wilson said organised and major crime is approached on a long term tactical basis,
and the crimes being targeted in Operation Seymour are public offences which need an immediate
and high profile response to restore public confidence.

AAP bart/crh/dep


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