Wednesday, February 29, 2012

SA: Toys banned in the lead-up to Christmas

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: Toys banned in the lead-up to Christmas

ADELAIDE, Dec 2 AAP - Sixteen toys have been banned in South Australia after failing
safety checks in the lead-up to Christmas, including a toy gun with a laser 12 times more
powerful than allowed under Australian law.

Consumer officials said on Tuesday the laser was tested at a strength of 12 milliwatts,
while Australian regulations limited lasers to one milliwatt.

They said police found the laser had a range of 400 metres, posing a threat to motorists
and even pilots.

The banned toys also included a folding chair that could trap small fingers, a magnetic
learning set that released small parts and a toy that expanded in size when placed in

Consumer affairs Minister Gail Gago said eight traders had been ordered to remove the
dangerous items from sale.

She said all traders had also been reminded that they faced a $10,000 for supplying banned items.

"We are reminding traders to ensure that their stock complies with safety regulations,"

Mr Gago said.

She said consumers who had purchased any of the banned items were entitled to a refund.

They were also encouraged to buy sensibly at Christmas and ensure gifts were suitable
for the age of the child.

AAP tjd/maur


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