Friday, March 2, 2012

Fed: Howard says Jones did not pressure him

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Howard says Jones did not pressure him

Prime Minister JOHN HOWARD has rejected Opposition Leader MARK LATHAM'S call for an
independent inquiry into claims he was pressured to reappoint ABA chairman DAVID FLINT.

Mr HOWARD was on the defence yesterday, dismissing as absurd and wrong suggestions
that broadcaster ALAN JONES tried to pressure him into reappointing Mr FLINT.

Rival broadcaster JOHN LAWS says Mr JONES had told him of the incident at a November
2000 dinner party.

But Mr HOWARD's branded this absurd and says no such conversation took place at Kirribilli
house or anywhere else.

Mr HOWARD says he can't remember Mr JONES ever raising Mr FLINT'S position with him,
let alone in threatening terms.

He says he does not take instructions from people in the media.

The Prime Minister says the issue's really about a fight between two radio broadcasters.

He says it's certainly not an issue involving any suggestion of impropriety on his part.

AAP RTV rad/jo/as/rgr


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