Thursday, March 1, 2012

VIC: Economy continues to strengthen VECCI

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC: Economy continues to strengthen VECCI

MELBOURNE April 26 AAP - Australia's economy has continued to strengthen, with strong
domestic sales and export activity, according to the latest findings by the Victorian
Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The VECCI survey shows a strengthening economy over the March quarter, compared to the
previous three months. VECCI chief executive Nicole Feely today predicted the trend would
continue, but would be heavily influenced by matters before federal parliament.

"Fundamental tax reform remains vital for Australia's long-term growth and competitiveness,
and the GST is a vital element of that reform," she said.

"Secondly, the Senate inquiry into unfair dismissal laws must lead to a common sense
approach that is fairly balanced between employers and employees."

Ms Feely praised the Victorian government for reducing state debt and "stimulating"
industry and investment.

The VECCI survey found industries, including manufacturing, transport and recreation,
believed their economic performance would increase over the next 12 months.

Weaker performance was expected among businesses in agriculture, forestry, building and
construction, education and health.

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