Thursday, March 1, 2012

NSW: Newcastle man to face court over stabbing attack

NSW: Newcastle man to face court over stabbing attack

SYDNEY, April 7 AAP - A 20-year-old man will face court today after three men werestabbed during a street brawl near Newcastle overnight.

Police were called to the fight in suburban Stockton about 9pm (AEST).

On arrival, they found one man with a stab wound to the stomach, a second with knifecuts on his arms and a third with head wounds.

All three men were taken to John Hunter Hospital, where they were today in stable conditions.

Police said a local man, aged 20, was arrested and charged with three counts of maliciouswounding.

He was expected to face Newcastle Local Court later today.

AAP jo/hn/pw/jlw r


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