Sunday, March 4, 2012

Morris throwing cat - er, hat - in presidential ring

What presidential hopeful has the best name recognition? Holdon to your silly hats. It's not Jack Kemp or even Bob Dole. It'sMorris the Cat, who tomorrow will declare his candidacy for Presidentof the United States at a Washington, D.C. press conference.

Morris, the spokescat for Star-Kist Foods' 9-Lives brand, is aname recognized by more than 70 percent of the public, according toan actual poll by Opinion Research Corp. That beats Bob Dole with a67 percent recognition score; Jack Kemp at 59 percent, and down thelist to Bruce Babbitt with 33 percent.

So 9-Lives, through its Chicago-based ad agency, Leo BurnettU.S.A., is taking advantage of Morris's popularity …

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